The Mug Hunter
This is a picture of me with my first mug. It was a gift from my girlfriend in high school circa 1981.
The mug is a promotional piece from the landmark show Taxi which ran on TV from 1978 to 1983, hence the tire handle and checkerboard graphic.
This mug is relevent to me as my nickname is high school was Taxi based on my last name of Taxdahl.
It is a piece I have kept all of these years because I thought is was a cool mug and because of the connection with my nickname and the show.
These kinds of mugs have always fascinated me. It is just amazing how some very creative people have used this platform as a canvas onto which exercise their creativity.
In addition, it's amazing how something as utilitarian as a coffee mug, can elicit such an emotional connection with those who use them most everyday.
My goal is to find and offer these special pieces for those who truly appeciate them for their memory and/or connection to what they represent. The more we can keep out of the landfills, the better.
I hope you find something here that offers a special connection for you. If nothing else, I hope you just enjoy looking at them for their art and creativity.
Jeff Taxdahl
-Owner, Mug Hunter